Interest in manure composting is growing among farmers due to potential benefits associated with it. Composted manure generally contains fewer weed seeds and pathogens, has less odor and provides a more stable and concentrated source of soil nutrients and organic matter. Manure composting methods can be adapted to farms of all sizes and livestock types.
A short field day will be held at 9:30 am on September 12, 2023. The field day will be at the Bruce and Karl Sime Farm near Stoughton, WI (1192 Starr School Rd). The field day will feature a panel of dairy as well as beef producers currently managing a portion of their manure with composting. They will discuss their methods as well as successes and challenges.
UW-Extension researchers will provide practical insights into the science of composting as well as guidelines for sampling and lab submission for estimating nutrient availability. Considerations for
appropriate compost site location will be discussed by the Dane County Land and Water Conservation
Department. The field day will wrap-up with a compost turner demonstration and lunch at 12:00 noon.
For more information, contact Will Fulwider at Regional Crops Educator for Dane and Dodge County
Extension, 608-220-3577 or [email protected].
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