The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival is looking forward to its upcoming Pen of 3 Carcass Competition.
The Pen of 3 Carcass Competition is a chance for sheep producers, including 4-H and FFA members, to get a live evaluation by a commercial lamb buyer and indexing measurements. These are taken after harvest and determine loin eye, back fat, and leg score. Those results assist producers with genetic, breeding, and feeding decisions for their respective flocks.
During the live evaluation, the lamb buyer will also answer questions regarding factors important for placing, purchasing, and transporting of lambs. The free presentation “A Market Perspective” will be in the Indoor Arena at 10:30 a.m.
Participating sheep producers will also be on hand to discuss how they manage their sheep. Interested festival goers can place pens according to their preference and to estimate the loin eye size of a lamb of their choice. The Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival will post the results on its website and in the online version of the Wisconsin Shepherd. Payouts will be based on live and carcass evaluation. MSABD Discovery building Meats lab is buying the lambs.
The competition is Sep. 10 at 10 a.m. in the Indoor Arena at Jefferson Co. Fair Park in Jefferson. The competition is open to members of the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Breeders Cooperative. Enter lambs through ShoWorks on the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival website. The website is Click on Education-Pen of 3 and follow entry instruction. Entry cost is $25 a pen.
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