October is National Pork Month in the U.S. Traditionally, this was the time of the year when pigs were to be marketed. Now, the industry uses this time of the year to thank producers for their hard work and dedication to providing delicious, high quality products to consumers.
To kick off October Pork Month, the Wisconsin Pork Association launched a new website: https://wppa.org/
Pork is the most widely consumed protein across the globe, and collectively, U.S. pig farmers generate about 11 percent of the world’s pork supply. That makes us the world’s third largest producer and consumers of pork products.
As the global population continues to grow, pork producers will play an even more important role in the future. As this demand increases, pork producers continue to evolve and enhance their production methods.
So, this month, join the celebration by making pork a staple in your diet, and make sure to thank your pork-producing friends and family for all their hard work.