Jescey Thompson of the Galesville-Ettrick-Trempealeau FFA Chapter was elected to a year of service as the 2024-2025 State FFA President during the 95th Wisconsin FFA Convention. Jescey’s advisors are John Nelson and Kent Haake. Travis and Andrea Thompson are his parents.
Thompson, a University of Minnesota—Twin Cities student, is studying agricultural communications and marketing, as well as political science. Although Jescey aims to work for an organization that advocates for agriculturalists and the industry as a whole, ultimately, Thompson simply hopes to have a career that will allow him to have a positive impact on his community. He credits this desire to serve others in part to supervised agricultural experiences projects in agricultural education, food service, and dairy production.
Prior to his year as the State FFA Reporter, Jescey was also active in his local community through organizations like 4H, Farm Bureau, and the Junior Holstein and Brown Swiss associations. He served as a chapter president and vice president, state delegate and a member of the Wisconsin State Convention Public Relations team through FFA. “The beautify of FFA is that every chapter looks different and has its own set of struggles,” Thompson said prior to his election last June. He has been able to spend this last year learning about those challenges and helping FFA members find and develop the tools necessary to push themselves, their chapters, and their communities to greater successes.
When asked of his favorite FFA experience, Jescey reflects on his times at state FFA conventions. “I loved being able to watch others succeed up on stage and celebrate the wins of our chapter,” Thompson said, while also citing the opportunities to make connections with other chapters, something he will do a great deal of throughout his term as president.
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