Wisconsin’s Youth Livestock Program has announced its spring offerings for 2023.
This first program offered is the education series. It is offered in connection with the UW-Madison Animal & Dairy Sciences Department, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and Division of Extension.
The WYLP is offering free, live virtual Zoom educational programs. The topics are for youth and adults alike. They’ll be the first Monday of the month from January through March. Each session starts at 7 p.m. The presentation is followed by a question-and-and session.
Register: https://go.wisc.edu/tnq61h
At the webpage, you can also find an educational verification form. Complete the form and turn it into your county fair and/or livestock committee to verify your participation. These activities can serve as “county education requirements.”
The sessions will provide awareness and knowledge of animal agriculture and will give you the details on careers and how this area connects with your animal project.
January 9 — Why participating in knowledge an judging teams are important!
Participants will hear from Scott Howard, an alumnus from Columbia County currently working in Colorado with Meyer Natural Foods. Liz Gartman is a Sheboygan County coach for their knowledge and judging teams. She is an ag instructor at Lakeshore Technical College. Stephanie Witberler is a student at Kansas State University and currently moving into a graduate program.
February 6 — Beef Evaluation and Cookery
March 6 — Reproduction Technologies in Animal Agriculture
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