The Badgerland Oliver Collectors is hosting the activities in 2018. Chapter Vice President Don Duellman of Marshfield says Oliver tractor enthusiasts can expect to see a nice variety of old machinery on display in Tent City.
“We are expecting between 300 to 400 HPOCA members to attend our meeting and then visit Farm Technology Days to see the tractors in person,” Duellman said. “Our group is also looking for area farmers who are willing to bring their own Oliver tractor to the show, regardless of its condition.”
Wisconsin Farm Technology Days will be held in Wood County July 10-12, 2018 near Marshfield. D&B Sternweis Farms and Weber’s Farm Store/Heiman Holsteins will serve as hosts for the three-day event.
The HPOCA is a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 for the historical and educational benefit of Hart-Parr and Oliver collectors. The group has nearly 4,500 members from 21 chapters across the country.
For more information about the National Oliver Summer Show or to sign-up to have a tractor brought to the show, call the Badgerland Oliver Collectors at 715-305-2118.