While many people in Wisconsin might have been uncomfortable with all the heat the state’s experienced – it’s been good for some of our crops.
Corn planting was 96 percent complete, 14 days behind last year, but 1 day ahead of the 5 year average. Corn emerged was at 84 percent, 9 days behind last year, and 2 days behind the average.
Corn condition was 70 percent good to excellent.
Eighty-nine percent of the states’s expected soybean acres have been planted, 10 days behind last year, but 1 day ahead of the average. Sixty-three percent of the state’s soybeans have emerged, 9 days behind last year and 1 day behind the average.
Oats emerged was at 96 percent complete, 1 day ahead of the average. Oats headed was reported at 7 percent, 6 days behind last year, and 5 days behind the average. Oats condition was 78 percent good to excellent, 3 percentage points above last week.
Some vegetable fields really benefited from the heat.
Potato condition was rated 87 good to excellent, 15 percentage points above last week.
Pasture condition was 80 percent good to excellent.
Winter wheat was 64 percent headed, 5 days behind last year. Winter wheat was 76 percent in good to excellent condition statewide, 5 percentage points higher than last week.
The first cutting of alfalfa was reported as 81 percent complete. All hay condition was reported 75 percent good to excellent, equal to last week.